How to Tag Live Feed Data Tagging your own Live Feed Data is possible in your Application Dashboard. It can be a means to communicate with your manager/s. Data in the Live Feeds Display are shown in boxes called the Timeline Data. These data can be tagged as Productive, Excellent, Irrelevant, or Violation and the tag buttons are found at the bottom part of a Timeline Data. Tagging Timeline Data
  • Select a Timeline Data to tag.
  • Click any of the tag icons displayed at the bottom part of the box.
The tagging is immediately saved and your manager/s is notified of the tagged data. To see who tagged your data, click the Tag counter of the Timeline Data and it will reveal the people who tagged your data. You will also receive a notification whenever your data is tagged by your manager. The tag count is updated every time an item is tagged. Tagging Individual Data Each Live Feed Data can be viewed on a separate page called Individual Data. Individual Data can also be tagged as Productive, Excellent, Irrelevant, or Violation. You just need to:
  • Click the kebab menu on the upper right corner of the Timeline Data.
  • Click “View”.
  • Click any of the tag icons displayed on the right panel of the page.
To untag the data you previously tagged, just click the tag icon you used. Tag Icon Meanings
  • Blue Necktie Use the blue necktie icon to commend and tag the data as Productive. 
  • Yellow Necktie Use the yellow necktie icon to tag the data as Excellent.
  • White Exclamation Point Choose the white exclamation point icon to tag the data as Irrelevant.
  • Red Exclamation Point Tag applications with the red exclamation point icon as Violation.  
Users can also post comments on a Timeline Data or Individual with or without tagging them.  Check the tutorial on how to post comments on Live Feed Data.
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