Daily Reports  The Daily Reports Module in Cloudica™ enables users to create detailed Task Reports, documenting how they spent their workday, the tasks they completed, and the applications they used. Users can highlight key aspects of their tasks with captured screenshots, providing managers and owners with a clear and comprehensive view of time allocation and productivity. Why Daily Reports Are Important Daily Reports play a crucial role in an organization by: Enhancing Accountability: They offer transparency, ensuring that employees' work is tracked and evaluated accurately. Facilitating Performance Monitoring: Managers can regularly monitor productivity, enabling timely feedback and adjustments.  Supporting Data-Driven Decisions: With detailed insights, organizations can make informed decisions regarding resource allocation, workload distribution, and process optimization. Improving Remote Work Oversight: In a remote work environment, these reports help maintain control and ensure that remote teams remain productive and engaged. How to Access the Daily Reports Module To access the Daily Reports page in the Cloudica™ Application Dashboard 66e006d133e6eGif open daily reports module.gif
  • Click on the User Menu. 
  • Select "My Daily Reports" from the menu.
66d03c0af00a7Image 1 - my daily reports menu option.png This will open the Daily Reports interface where you can begin reviewing or creating Task Reports. Parts of the Daily Reports Module The Daily Reports page is composed of several key components that help you navigate and understand the data captured by the Cloudica™ app: 1. Header
  • Cloudica Logo: Click to navigate to the Virtual Workspace (for Managers/Owners) or My Data page (for Remote Users). 
  • Date Picker: Allows you to select and view your Work Summary for a specific date. Use the arrows to browse dates, or click to open the calendar. 
  • View As Toggle: Switch between viewing your data as a Clock or Timeline graph. 
  • Show/Hide Screenshot Gallery Toggle: Display or hide the Screenshot Gallery at the bottom of the page. 
  • Time Range and Application Filters: Activate these to filter data by time range or specific applications. 
2. Sub-header
  • Displays data from the hovered component on the Clock or Timeline graph. 
  • By default, it shows Worked and Idle time unless a specific component is hovered. 
3. Work Summary Clock/Timeline
  • A visual representation of your work summary, capturing key metrics like Application Screenshots, Keystrokes, Applications, Worked Time, and Idle Time. 
  • Hover over any section to get more detailed information. 
4. Daily Reports Drawer
  • Contains Timesheet cards, Unreported Apps Card, and Task Report Cards. 
  • These cards include the information that will be submitted in the Daily Report to the Manager or Owner. 
  • The drawer can be hidden by clicking the "x" button and reopened by clicking the pink Daily Report button on the page header. 
Learn how to view the daily reports submitted by users. Detailed Breakdown of the Header Components 66d03cb1f076aImage 2 - parts of the header.png Cloudica™ Logo Clicking the Cloudica™ logo in the header will take you to the Virtual Workspace if you are a Manager or Owner. If you are a Remote User, it will redirect you to the My Data page Date Picker The Date Picker is an essential tool for navigating through different dates. Use it to view your Work Summary for any specific day. You can either click the arrows to move between dates or open the calendar for a broader selection. View As Toggle The Work Summary can be viewed in two formats: 66e0070e1c599Gif timeline view.gif
  • View as Clock The default setting, presenting data in a clock format for easy visualization of time spent throughout the day. 
  • View as Timeline Switch to this view for a linear, vertical representation of your work data, which may be easier to analyze for some users.
66d03cb6e2db2Image 3 - view toggle buttons.png The green button in the toggle indicates the currently active view. Screenshot Gallery The Screenshot Gallery showcases all captured screenshots and can be toggled on or off as needed. When active, the gallery is displayed at the bottom of the page and will update automatically based on any application filters applied. 66d03dae08662Image 4- open screenshot gallery.png Time Range and Application Filters
  • Time Range When activated, this option reveals Start and End Time Range inputs on the header, as well as a Time Range Slider in the Clock View graph. These tools help you narrow down the data to a specific time frame. 
  • Application Filters Click to open a dropdown menu of applications, allowing you to filter the data displayed on the graph according to the selected applications. 
Understanding the Sub-header The Sub-header dynamically displays data based on your interactions with the Clock or Timeline graph. When you hover over a specific component, the Sub-header will show detailed information about that section. If no component is hovered over, it defaults to showing the Worked and Idle time for the day. 66d03db5dcbd9Image 5 - subheader.png Navigating the Work Summary Clock/Timeline The Daily Reports Work Summary Clock or Timeline offers a graphical representation of the user’s work summary. Depending on the chosen view (Clock or Timeline), it visualizes:
  • Application Screenshots 
  • Keystrokes 
  • Applications Used 
  • Worked Time 
  • Idle Time 
66d03dbd173e5Image 6 - clock view parts.png Hover over any part of the graph to get more detailed information about that particular segment. Using the Daily Reports Drawer The Daily Reports Drawer is a crucial part of the Daily Reports Module. It contains:
  • Create Button This lets you create Task Reports for your Daily Report. 
  • Play Button Plays the Daily Report slides. It only appears when you have saved a Task Report. 
  • Timesheet Cards Summarize time logs and tasks for the day. 
  • Unreported Apps Card Displays applications used that have not been included in any task report. 
  • Task Report Cards Show individual task reports that you can review, edit, or create.
  • Email Button Sends your Daily Report as an email to your Manager/s.
66d03dc83ad05Image 7 - parts of drawer.png To hide the drawer, click the "x" button. To reopen it, click the pink Daily Report button on the page header. Read on how to create Daily Reports.
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