Billing Guide The Billing Information in Settings contains the list of all the account’s charges over a given period of time. It shows the account owner how much they have been billed and when. To get to the Billing Information page, follow these steps:
  • Click the User Menu. 
  • Select “Settings”.
  • Click “Billing” on the left panel of the dashboard. 
It has four subsections, namely: 
  • Credit Card Information
  • Current Billing Statement
  • Last Payment Details 
  •  ransactions for the Past 3 Months
Credit Card Information This part encloses the owner’s masked credit card number and the Change button to update this information. To update your credit card information, do the following:
  • Click “Change” under the Credit Card Information and 
  • Enter your billing information on the billing form.
  • Click “Add Billing Information” to save. 
Wait for the confirmation message to appear after saving.   Ensure that you update your credit card information before the expiration date to avoid service interruption. Current Billing Statement In the Billing Statement, you’ll see vital information like the payment due and total hours monitored.  Under the Billing Statement are the following:
  • Hours MonitoredDisplays the total number of hours monitored within the billing period.
  • Refresh buttonUpdates the billing Statement to its most recent report.
  • Affiliate Program HoursShows the monthly total free hours as a benefit from the Affiliate Program.
  • Total Promo HoursPresents the total number of free hours from the availed promotions.
  • View Availed Promos buttonLets you see all the active promos on your Cloudica™ account.
  • Amount DueThis is the total amount you owe as of the statement date.
  • Pay Now buttonThis will settle the balance due.
  • View Breakdown buttonHelps you keep track of your monthly payments through the itemized report. 
  • Payment DateThe date your payment is due.
Cloudica™ will bill you automatically when you reached $100 before the payment date. Last Payment Details The Last Payment Details display the last completed transaction of the billing cycle. The following data are presented in this subsection:
  • Credit Card information 
  • Hours Monitored
  • Amount Due
  • Last Billed Date
Transactions for the Past 3 Months List of the past transactions in a three-month period. It will show the date, monitored hours, and the cost for each monthly cycle. To see a detailed view of each transaction,
  • Click the “View Transaction History”. 
This will redirect you to the Billing History page. There you will see a table with the following information: 
  • Total hours monitored and total cost 
  • Back to Settings button
  • Date
  • Number of Users
  • Hours Monitored
  • Promo Hours
  • Affiliate Hours
  • Total Hours Billed 
  • Cost 
Learn more about the Cloudica™ Affiliate Program.
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