Settings With Settings, you can make changes to your personal information, edit your monitoring settings, change the maximum app idle time, update your billing information, or delete your account. Different account types have different features in the Settings section. In this short guide, you will learn which features are available on different types of accounts. To access Settings, 
  • Click the User Menu on the upper right corner of the Application Dashboard.
  • Choose “Settings” from the menu options.  
3 Types of Accounts
  • Owner Account This is the main account registered to Cloudica™. The Settings module on this account contains more options and details.
  • Manager Account Users with managerial positions are assigned with Manager role. The Settings only allows the user to change/edit his/her personal information.
  • Remote User Account Assigned to most users registered with the company. The Settings also have limited scope. The user can only change/update his/her personal information.
Components of the Settings Module The Settings module allows you to modify information and change or update the account’s settings according to your preferences.
  • Left Panel Index This is the navigation panel.
  • Settings Content Displays the content of the selected Settings section in the Index. 
Left Panel Index The Index is used to navigate to the different Settings sections. It comprises the following:
  • Personal Settings Lets you make changes to your personal information. This feature is available on all three account types.
  • Change Password This allows you to update your account password.
  • Account Settings This includes information about your Cloudica™ account and Monitoring Default Settings.
  • Billing This contains your billing information.
  • Promos Shows all promos active on your account.
  • Affiliate Helps you join the affiliate program.
Only the Personal Settings and Change Password are available for accounts with Manager and Remote User roles. Personal Settings The Personal Settings show the account owner's basic information. The data entered here can be edited except for the Username.  The Personal Settings consist of:
  • Name
  • Username
  • Email Address
  • Mobile Number
  • Home Address
  • Birthday
To edit or input information for Personal Settings, you need to:
  • Click the text box of the section you want to change.
  • Type or edit the information in the box.
  • Click outside the box to save the information. 
To input the Birthday, you may type the date or use the calendar.   Check out our resource pages about the Account Settings, Change Password, Billing, Promos, and Affiliate.
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