Productivity Timeline Guide
The Timeline section of Productivity displays the users’ aggregated data by the hour. Data is shown in boxes called the Timeline Data. The Timeline Data are displayed by the earliest captured data of the users to the latest.
Parts of the Timeline
- Time Header Divides the Timeline Data according to the time the data was captured
- Timeline Data The captured data from the desktop app presented in boxes
Timeline Data
A Timeline Data is a box that represents aggregated data of an action or application of a user during a particular hour.
Each box contains:
- User’s Avatar The user’s snapshot or initials
- User Name The user’s full name or username
- Tag Icons Used to tag the timeline data as Productive, Excellent, Irrelevant, or Violation.
- Tag Count This shows how many times the data was tagged.
- Comment Count This shows the number of comments posted.
- Screenshot Content This displays the screenshots captured.
- Timeline ContentThis contains the timestamp when the app was accessed and the duration the user spent on the app.
- Application Content Shows the application name.
- Menu A kebab menu used to view the individual data.
- Frequency The number of times the application was opened.
How to tag Timeline Data
To tag a Timeline Data as Productive, Excellent, Irrelevant, or Violation,
- Choose a Timeline Data to tag.
- Click one of the tag icons.
The Timeline is now tagged and a notification is sent to the user.
Learn more about tagging Timeline Data.
How to post a Comment
When you want to leave a comment on a Timeline Data, follow the steps below:
- Click the Comment button.
- Click the text box.
- Type your comment
- Click the Send button or press Enter.
The Comment Counter shows how many comments are posted on that Timeline Data. Notifications are sent to the user and all the users who commented on the same Timeline Data.
Get to know how to post comments on a Timeline Data.
Navigating with the Timeline Charts
The Timeline Charts found on the right side of the dashboard can be used to navigate through the Timeline Data.
To display the Timeline of a specific user:
- Look at the Charts section found at the right side of the dashboard.
- Go to the Timeline Charts
- Choose a user's Timeline bar.
- Click the gray part of the user's bar.
This will filter the Timeline section and display only the Timeline Data of the selected user. To return to the default view, you must clear the user search on the header.
To navigate to a certain application of a user:
- Look at the Charts section found at the right side of the dashboard.
- Go to the Timeline Charts
- Choose a user's Timeline bar.
- Click the colored bar of the application.
The Timeline section on the left will automatically scroll to the Timeline data you selected in the Timeline Charts.
Know more about how to use the Date Picker, User Search, and Team Filter.
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