Application Usage Visualization

The Application Usage is the visual presentation of the logged-in users' applications and websites used. It is in the form of a treemap. Parts of the Application Usage
  • Heat mapThis is the legend to the treemap. It has a color gradient to indicate the users’ frequency of interaction with an app or site. The colors help identify the number of times the window was opened in the tree map tiles. The greater the value, the darker the color blue is.
  • TreemapThis consists of tiles representing the apps visited.
The treemap shows the following information:
  • Size of the tile This indicates the hours spent on the app. The bigger the tiles are, the longer the users interacted with them. The smaller the tile, the lesser time is spent. 
  • Color of the tile The darker blue color means the application is often opened, and the gray color means it is seldom opened.
  • Applications Treemap tiles display the most frequently used applications. The green tile navigates to the apps seldom used. 
The Treemap Tile On each tile of the treemap you can find:
  • User Mode buttonOpens the User Mode of the tree map. It displays the treemap of the users who accessed the app or website.
  • Application nameThe name of the application or website used
  • TimeThe total time duration the users spent on the application or site. 
  • FrequencyIndicates the total number of times the users opened the app.
  • Number of usersThe total number of users who accessed the application.
Learn why the tile colors change when you hover over the Application Timeline in the guide, Using the Application Usage and Application Timeline Together. The Treemap Modes There are two modes that the user can use to view the treemap. They are the Application and User Modes.  Application Mode is the treemap displaying app or website in the tiles. This is the default view of the Computer Activity dashboard. The User Mode displays the users who used the app in the treemap tiles. To view the users for each application: 
  • Click on the tile to expand it. 
  • Then, click the User Mode button found at the upper right corner of the tile.
On the User Mode tiles, you’ll see the following: 
  • Name of the user 
  • Total time spent on the application
  • Frequency the app was opened
To see available navigation options for a selected application’s data or the user’s data, you can use the App Usage Menu. Read the guide on how to use the Application Usage menu. The Less than 1 hour Tile The green tile or the Less than 1 hour Tile helps you view the applications that were seldom used or used only for less than an hour. It displays the information:
  • Total time users spent in the apps
  • Number of apps within its treemap
To navigate to the apps in the green tile:
  • Click on the tile to expand it.
  • Click the Applications button at the upper-right corner of the tile.
Read about using the Application Usage and Application Timeline together.
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